by Dennis Freeman | Jun 5, 2024 | Organization, Time Management
If you or your kids have ADHD, you’ll find that consistent use of a family calendar can be the key to keeping your life moving sanely without the frustration of missed appointments or last-minute dashes to get somewhere in time.
by Dennis Freeman | Feb 17, 2024 | Parenting an ADHD Child
For the parent whose young child just been diagnosed with ADHD), some everyday strategies to support your child’s well-being and help you keep your sanity!
by Dennis Freeman | Feb 2, 2024 | Study Skills
Students diagnosed with ADHD often struggle with note-taking. ADHD-related inattentiveness makes it hard for them to stay focused during a lecture and when they must split their attention between listening and writing, they may be unable to keep up with writing the...
by Dennis Freeman | Jan 25, 2024 | Parenting an ADHD Child, Social
Some ideas for indoor entertainment for kids with ADHD. Artworks, inside games, cooking, watching the stars!
by Dennis Freeman | Mar 14, 2023 | Learning Styles
Is there an ADHD Learning Style? All children are different but chances are good that your ADHD student has an Interactive learning style, which means they will do best when you sit with them and discuss the material and quiz them for tests verbally. That way, they stay engaged.