Mindfulness isn’t just a thing to do—it’s a way to make your everyday life feel more connected and aware, especially if you have ADHD. Certain simple but intentional acts can deepen your engagement with the present and enrich your life experience.

Mindfulness isn’t just a thing to do—it’s a way to make your everyday life feel more connected and aware, especially if you have ADHD. Certain simple but intentional acts can deepen your engagement with the present and enrich your life experience.
The use of a body double — someone working quietly next to you — can be a remarkably effective strategy to help kids with ADHD stay on track and complete their homework.
Summer is here and although your ADHD-diagnosed student doesn’t have a school schedule, it’s still important to maintain a daily summer schedule. ADHD students respond well to a daily routine and there are plenty of fun yet constructive activities you can work into...
How often have you nagged your child to start their homework, only to see them sit down then immediately jump again. Here are three strategies to get them going on homework.
Many ADHD-diagnosed students have a difficult time with reading comprehension. Reasons may include being easily distracted -- especially if they are not interested in the topic -- and poor working memory; that is, if they are reading a challenging text, by the time...
HomeworkCoach is a special tutoring agency. We know how to keep students with ADHD on track. Our coach comes to your home and helps your child manage their schoolwork while building their executive function skills. Call us today 877-715-5442 or click Contact Us below.