Our ADHD Tutoring Method:
Research-Based, Student-Tested

Because being organized means you’re in control.

Study Tools
Executive Function skills for a more focused mind.

Teaching kids with ADHD to believe in themselves again.

Better Grades
Grades improve when homework is turned in!
An ADHD Tutoring Program That Tackles the Actual Issues
Your child may be failing one or more classes. But you know they are more than capable of passing:
- if they would just complete their assignments
- if they would just turn them in
- if they would study for tests
- if they would start on projects earlier than the night before they’re due
HomeworkCoach understands that. We also understand some other truths:
- your child does not want to fail
- your child is probably as frustrated as you are that school is such a struggle
So our program is designed to address two related issues:
- Your student needs hands-on help with day-to-day schoolwork, not some abstract lecture on study skills
- There are underlying executive function challenges that can be fixed with consistent modeling and practice
We should probably add a third, which we can also solve: At a certain age, kids stop listening to their parents.
Keep reading for a more detailed description of what we do.
Holistic Approach to Your Child’s Academic Success
When you register for HomeworkCoach, we ask you to complete an Executive Function Assessment. This proprietary tool gives our coach an idea of where you see your student’s challenges. Time management? Planning? Following Instructions?
From Day 1, our coach will start building routines to help your child get on top of school work and work on the issues you identified:
- writing down and tracking assignments
- filing materials (coaches may often help their students empty their bookbags)
- making daily and weekly plans to complete assignments and study for tests
- holding them accountable for following through on plans
Because most ADHD kids have an interactive learning style, it’s quite likely that the coach will help them prepare for tests by reading the study guides with them and verbally quizzing them.
In this way, we accomplish our dual goals: helping the student get on top of their current schoolwork while also enhancing executive function skills for the long term.
Trained ADHD Tutors
Our ADHD coaches are smart, enthusiastic, supportive role models trained to understand why kids with ADHD struggle with school. We teach them techniques to help build executive function skills. These techniques are backed by academic research and our many years of experience. Read more about our homework coaches.
For many children — especially those with attention deficit disorders (ADD/ADHD) — homework is hard! Students get frustrated when they take twice as long as other kids. Parents can’t seem to keep them focused. Every night becomes a battle. This is where our ADHD tutor can help. Your coach may say all the same things you would — but your child will listen and take direction from them. As they get on top of schoolwork, their grades will improve and their motivation will increase. So will their self-esteem.
Our Tutoring Program is not Just for Students with ADHD
It’s not only kids with ADHD who may lack study skills! Many students don’t know how to focus on homework, overcome boredom, or organize their binders. We can teach them. Here are some other reasons parents seek out HomeworkCoach:
- their child has missed a lot of school through illness and needs someone to help them plough through a daunting amount of make-up work.
- their kids have dug themselves into a hole where they are now overwhelmed at all their missing assignments. Our coach can get them organized and knock off the assignments one by one.
- the student has some disability other than ADHD that impairs their executive functioning. We work with many children on the autism (ASD) spectrum.
In the past school year, our tutoring program helped students from 2nd grade to college. The biggest cluster of students were in the 7th to 9th grade range — not surprising, as this is the time when ADHD children especially begin to hit the wall after years of getting by on their native intelligence. But our program is flexible enough to adapt to any student at any grade level.