Resources for Parents of Students with ADHD

Helping Kids with ADHD through “Supportive Accountability”
Accountability can imply punishment and criticism. But a good homework coach uses supportive accountability to keep your student on track.

Help your Child with ADHD Overcome Working Memory Challenges
Children with ADHD often struggle with working memory deficits, Here are 12 practical and effective approaches to build this important skill.

Breathing New Life: Simple Steps to Incorporate Mindfulness Every Day
Mindfulness isn’t just a thing to do—it’s a way to make your everyday life feel more connected and aware, especially if you have ADHD. Certain simple but intentional acts can deepen your engagement with the present and enrich your life experience.

Body Doubles: A Powerful Strategy to Tackle Homework
The use of a body double — someone working quietly next to you — can be a remarkably effective strategy to help kids with ADHD stay on track and complete their homework.

Managing Test Anxiety With ADHD
Test anxiety can be especially hard for children with ADHD who struggle to regulate their emotions. We offer a bunch of ideas that may help your student approach tests more confidently.

In Praise of a Family Calendar
If you or your kids have ADHD, you’ll find that consistent use of a family calendar can be the key to keeping your life moving sanely without the frustration of missed appointments or last-minute dashes to get somewhere in time.

A Few Simple Lifestyle Choices to Help Your Child With ADHD
For the parent whose young child just been diagnosed with ADHD), some everyday strategies to support your child’s well-being and help you keep your sanity!

Note-Taking Tips for Students with ADHD
Students diagnosed with ADHD often struggle with note-taking. ADHD-related inattentiveness makes it hard for them to stay focused during a lecture and when they must split their attention between listening and writing, they may be unable to keep up with writing the...
Tutors Who Understand ADHD
HomeworkCoach is a special tutoring agency. We know how to keep students with ADHD on track. Our coach comes to your home and helps your child manage their schoolwork while building their executive function skills. Call us today 877-715-5442 or click Contact Us below.