Resources for Parents of Students with ADHD
Back to School Checklist for the ADHD Student
It’s back-to-school time again! Here are five essential tips for getting the new school year off to a good start. 1. Get to know your child’s teachers. Introduce yourself to your child’s teachers, explain a bit about your child’s strengths and challenges, and...
Help your ADHD Child Conquer Test Anxiety
All students occasionally show test anxiety, but research suggests that children with ADHD and other learning disabilities are especially likely to experience anxiety before and during test taking. These students may have cognitive difficulties that interfere with...
Ensuring Your ADHD Child Receives Accommodations at School
The day you learn your child has been diagnosed with ADHD or a learning disability is the day you become an advocate for your child to ensure he or she has the best school experience possible. But it can be difficult if you aren’t certain about what your options are...
Helping your ADHD Student with Reading Comprehension
Many ADHD-diagnosed students have a difficult time with reading comprehension. Reasons may include being easily distracted -- especially if they are not interested in the topic -- and poor working memory; that is, if they are reading a challenging text, by the time...
Ways Parents Can Help their ADHD Child Succeed in School
All the research shows that parental involvement is essential to a child’s academic success. The earlier parents become involved, the greater the beneficial impact. When your child has been diagnosed with ADHD, it can be difficult to know the best ways to offer your...
Understanding Your ADHD Child’s Learning Style
When our homework coaches first meet with new students, one of the first things they do is conduct a learning style assessment. Everyone learns differently and the learning style assessment allows our coaches to find strategies that best fit each student’s learning...
Getting the Most out of your Homework Coach
Usually we address our blogs to the parents, but this month, we are writing for our students. Perhaps you can print this and give it to them, saying something like: "Honey, you know we are happy to get you a homework coach if it will help you in school. The...
Four Apps for Improving your ADHD Child’s Homework Skills
Homework organization, time management, and studying effectively are all common issues for ADHD-diagnosed children. We’ve looked through dozens of apps designed to help students stay organized and on-task and have come up with four we recommend for helping...
Tutors Who Understand ADHD
HomeworkCoach is a special tutoring agency. We know how to keep students with ADHD on track. Our coach comes to your home and helps your child manage their schoolwork while building their executive function skills. Call us today 877-715-5442 or click Contact Us below.