Resources for Parents of Students with ADHD
Social confidence: ways to encourage your ADHD child
Now that you and your ADHD-diagnosed student have settled into the new school year routine, you may notice your child showing signs of social anxiety. For many ADHD students, sudden change, like a new school, new teachers, and unfamiliar classmates can trigger...
Help your ADHD Child Focus on Completing Homework
It's hard enough to get your child started on homework. Keeping him or her working is just as challenging. Here are a few tips to help your child stay focused on completing homework. Don’t Rush- Your child has spent the day in school and probably will not want to...
Tutors Who Understand ADHD
HomeworkCoach is a special tutoring agency. We know how to keep students with ADHD on track. Our coach comes to your home and helps your child manage their schoolwork while building their executive function skills. Call us today 877-715-5442 or click Contact Us below.