Coaching vs Tutoring: The Essential Difference

HomeworkCoach is about Doing!

What We Believe

In most cases, children with ADHD have no trouble with understanding their schoolwork.

The issue is more a matter of doing the work according to the teacher’s expectations.

Our company started as a tutoring business (In-Home Tutors, still alive and well).  The light began to dawn as we heard more and more parents tell us, “My child has no trouble understanding the material. The problem is all in the execution.”

In other words:

  • Knowing when homework is due
  • Tracking what assignments are coming up
  • Following the teacher’s directions
  • Getting started on a task and staying focused
  • Breaking down projects into manageable chunks
  • Completing homework without getting stuck.

And this list could scroll on down the page.  But the point is, we realized that these parents didn’t need a tutor, if you define tutor as someone who teaches and explains academic subjects.  They needed someone who would recognize the executive function deficits inherent in their student and be able to help the child overcome them.

So that became the HomeworkCoach mission: to help your child succeed in school by enabling them to come to grips with the executive function issues that are hindering their progress.

If that sounds too abstract, what that means in practice is helping our students organize their homework, manage long-range assignments in a timely way, study for tests effectively, and help keep them accountable for completing schoolwork and turning it in.

Would this help your child? If so, please call us at 877-715-5442 or complete our contact form.

Tutors Who Understand ADHD

HomeworkCoach is a special tutoring agency. We know how to keep students with ADHD on track. Our coach comes to your home and helps your child manage their schoolwork while building their executive function skills. Call us today 877-715-5442 or click Contact Us below.

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