Find a Local Executive Function Tutor With HomeworkCoach

ADHD and Delayed Executive Function
Maturity and and impulse control are skills, not character traits

EF Skills Can Be Taught
Our coaches build your student’s organization and time management skills

Modeling Good Study Habits

Free Executive Function Assessment
Our proprietary assessment helps drive our coach’s plan for your child
There’s been a shift in the way both parents and school psychologists talk about ADHD. Increasingly, the “attention deficit” part of ADHD, which gives the disorder its name, is seen as just one aspect of a range of issues that impact a child’s ability to succeed in school. An executive function tutor can help ADHD-diagnosed children strengthen these cognitive skills.
Executive Function (EF) means the ability to regulate or control one’s attention, mood and behavior in order to tackle complex issues. EF includes the brain processes needed to organize, strategize, modify behavior, and manage busy schedules. A person’s executive function abilities are influenced by physical changes in the brain and by life experiences. Put another way, people with executive function deficit – which includes most of those diagnosed as ADHD – can benefit from direct instruction from an executive function tutor.
HomeworkCoach has invested considerable energy into developing training materials to help our tutors and coaches strengthen their students’ executive functions. Certified coaches have completed our proprietary online course. The course reviews 8 facets of Executive Functioning:

Free Download
Read our Parent’s Primer on ADHD and Executive Function
Executive Functioning Assessment
Our exclusive Executive Function Assessment rates your child on 8 facets of EFD
Our inspiration
HomeworkCoach’s methodology relies heavily on the excellent work of Dr. Russell Barkley. Find some of his lectures here.